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and The Crafty Crows

Below you can find the Teaching Pack for primary educators and guardians - this is now available to download.


The Teaching Pack accompanies and expands upon the learning the children will have begun through reading The Bongles and the Crafty Crows through activities, worksheets, and discussion prompts.

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Guidance and suggestions on how to best make use of the Learning Activities, and to help prepare teachers and parents for using the book and answering questions with children. 

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Links to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Beginning with a read-along for  class discussion, this leads into a diverse range of learning activities following the book's content.

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Crate of Treasures Worksheet

Activity 3


Dice Net

Activity 6

Chatterbox Template

First Chatterbox and Instructions

Activity 6

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Activity 6

The development of The Bongles and The Crafty Crows was supported by the Scottish Government in partnership with Education Scotland.

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